Allow me to share with you my passion for designing, baking and presenting the wonderful world of cupcakes and cakes.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
This little piggy...
I made these little figurines for Jing Jing to put on a birthday cake for some of her friends. They are to represent Year of the Pig and Year of the Rooster. Yes that's what it is, a rooster sitting on top of an egg. ha ha.
The little pig was meant to have longer arms so he could be holding the plate with the cupcake but unfortunately they were a little bit stumpy. They look kind of cute anyway.
They are sitting on a plaque made entirely of fondant icing about 10 cm in diameter so they will look great on top of the cake. Alas I forgot to take a pic of the cake but it was a simple lemon layer cake covered in butter cream.{ similar to the cake I made for Karen in a previous post }
If you'd like me to make you a cake topper give me a call.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Chocolate Wedding Cake
What a busy weekend of cakes. Just wanted to share some pictures of a three tiered chocolate wedding cake I made for a good friend Ute. This cake was a real chocolate delight. I lost count of how much chocolate went into the making of this after about 6-7 kg, 25 eggs, kilos of butter not to mention sticking on hundreds and hundreds of chocolate cigarellos around the base of each cake.
Did I mention the sourcing of fruit which is all out of season for us here in Perth. When my supplier was unable to come through with my order of blueberries my husband { wonderful dear kind husband} went to six different outlets in search of blueberries for me, my visit to three other shops confirmed my worst fears, no blueberries. Mild hysteria and panic setting in at this point. No raspberries, no blueberries. Still as they say the show must go on and the cake was completed and I think the end result was pretty striking. Congratulations Ute and Adam, wishing you much happiness.
P.S. Thanks to my lovely little family for putting up with the kitchen being hijacked this weekend, without your support I couldn't do what I love to do.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Look Away Now If Your Easily Offended
I was asked to make this cake for a friends husband who turned 50 over the weekend. Yes, it's a boob cake with some lovely complimentary cupcakes. Cupcake flavours were ginger and chocolate and vanilla. The naughty cake was lemon and coconut with a vanilla butter cream. I hope you had a great birthday Michael and enjoyed the cakes.